Impulsá tu transformación

Programa de inmersión – one week

Del 27 de septiembre al 6 de octubre


We connect agriculture and technology.
We facilitate the transformation of the companies that choose us, to embrace the opportunities that technologies give us. 
We understand that data is the new business input and the challenge is to learn to manage data to make better decisions.

One week to...

  • Comprender la dinámica de la mayor cultura innovadora that will lead us to recognize the opportunities for us and our companies. 
  •  Entender cómo the technology transform the world and the business models
  • Learn about the technologies to know las capacidades que debemos incorporar en nuestros equipos.
  • Transformar la manera en que vemos la realidad y abrir nuestra mente para explorar nuevos caminos.
  • Identificar que talento y aptitudes debemos potenciar en nuestras organizaciones para enfrentar la era digital

Impulsamos tu transformación mediante:

  • El intercambio con actores del ecosistema: startups, empresas, consultoras, think tanks, universidades
  • + 20 talks related to agriculture and technology, by renowned experts
  • Final Workshop para poner en común todo lo aprendido
  • Siempre tendrás un traductor simultáneo so you don't miss any detail

Un día en Silicon Valley

What will we do in Silicon Valley?

Immerse yourself in innovation

You will visit startups, companies that will show you how they apply technology and creativity to solve real problems.

Connect with ecosystem actors

Experts, leaders and entrepreneurs share their knowledge with you. You will learn from their experiences and challenges.

Be part of meetings and workshops

You will enjoy inspiring talks that will motivate you to think big and transform your reality.


Innmersion programs

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¡Nueva fecha! Del 27 de septiembre al 6 de octubre

Add your name to the list and get the opportunity to explore new technologies, connect and engage with the Silicon Valley ecosystem.

Companies that trusted us

Learning moments

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Testimonials from our travelers

Roberto Guercetti CEO y Founder | Conecar

“Este viaje te hace consolidar los pensamientos y llevar los conceptos a la práctica. Conocí un grupo extraordinario con el cual intercambiamos contactos que nos serán de mucha utilidad”

Diego Lerini Director de Originación de Oleaginosos y Cereales Molinos Agro

Me divertí muchísimo, uno cree que entiende algo, y la verdad es que, me rompió la cabeza todo, nunca mejor dicho la frase “solo sé que no se nada”. Me traje ganas de cambiar algunas cosas, de hacer algunas cosas en Argentina, sin duda una experiencia que marcó mi año

Laura Luna Ceo in Arag Argentina S.A

You have to get your head out of the box, having a different look is what will lead us to grow continuously

Juan Martín Guichon CFO at Man Agro S.A

The goal for me was to open my mind and I definitely achieved it, I took many ideas to implement in Argentina, diversity is the key to develop teams and have people who are open-minded. We have to keep our heads open.

Matias Cerri Digital Agriculture in Corteva

Creo que esto nos sirvió para salir del lugar donde estamos, nos corre de la rutina, y el gran desafío es que la realidad de Argentina no nos golpee, si no que podamos aprovecharla para poder vincular todo lo que vimos en Silicon Valley.

Rafael Rizzo IT Manager (CIO) at Grupo Los Grobo

I took the learning from Harvard and Stanford professionals, as well as from my colleagues, I took three words that changed my mind: DIVERSITY to create work teams, SIGNS, to be able to anticipate the times and NETWORKING.

Ruben Sanchez Ingeniero Agronomo

“Este viaje me permitió dilucidar el gran espíritu de colaboración e información abierta que se viene. Tenemos que crear y soñar más, todo se puede lograr”

Rene Ponce Owner y Founder | La Martona

“Vimos como podemos aportar nuestro granito de arena para seguir produciendo alimentos de una mejor manera y más amigable con el medio ambiente”

Lucas Jappert App developer | AgroIdeass

"On this trip you learn a lot and new contacts are generated that allow you to relate to other points of view, different from your own, that make you open your mind"

Joaquín Mosso Marketing Mannager & Director | Grupo La Barranca

“One of the things that I take with me is networking, learning to work with allies and with teams. Also, look from a lateral thought to constantly innovate”

Dive into the future!

Add your name to the list and get the opportunity to explore new technologies, connect and engage with the Silicon Valley ecosystem.
